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The Vitalograph asma-1™ child version is a simple to use electronic peak flow meter that measures PEF, FEV0.5, FEV0.75 and FEV1. It offers greater accuracy than mechanical peak flow meters and eliminates the need for paper record cards.

asma-1 child Electronic Asthma Monitor

SKU: 40065
    • Simple to use
    • Electronic record - no need for record cards
    • Automatically assesses test quality
    • More accurate than a mechanical meter
    • Patient can review past results at home
    • Child version measures PEF, FEV0.5, FEV0.75 and FEV1
    • Can display % of personal best for both PEF and FEV1
    • PEF and FEV1 zones can be personalised
    • Automatically stores best values
    • Large, easy to read display
    • Stores 600 test sessions
    • Suitable for use in clinic with Vitalograph Bacterial Viral Filters (eco BVF)
    • Language independent
    • ISO 23747:2007 Peak Flow Meters 
      ISO 26782:2009 Spirometers 
      ATS/ERS: 2005 Spirometry Guidelines
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